Nutrition and muscle mass The number of questions and questions that we are asked daily about nutrition are constant, there are many people who fail in it, fail in nutrition and this is the key for your muscle mass to grow. There are people who get too complicated when the…
THE SENSATION OF HUNGER AND SACIEDAD The World Health Organization considers being overweight one of the top ten health risks, in developing nations it is among the top five. The numbers are eloquent enough that science has been determined to find the solution to the biochemical puzzle that governs everything…
Nowadays, the new generations have been inclined for years towards sport and especially weight training. For this reason, it is very important to find out what workouts should be done, what I should eat or how to know what protein is, what it is for and what its protein functions…
Getting muscle or eliminating body fat is the great dilemma within the sports community and without a doubt in fitness. This is a great dilemma in which the youngest and novice who are starting to train very recently and even people who have been "training" for years do not know…
Unsuitable food for after training Training to achieve good results and see yourself in fitness involves hours of planning and effort. However, it is not the only thing that will cause effects on your body; so you must consider that food is equal or even more important ; This must…